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Spruce Up Your Massage Therapy Practice

A recent article in Forbes showcased some positive impacts of the proverbial “spring cleaning” on business plans and goals. And that got us thinking, how can your massage therapy practice benefit from a spruce up around spring time? Our tax story this month provides useful organization tips for the business side of your practice. But we wanted to highlight some softer, everyday changes you can implement during these warmer months. Whether you work in a clinic, franchise, or your own office, the positive benefits of spring cleaning can help you reorganize and rejuvenate your passion for helping clients. 

Essential Oil Diffuser

It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s an essential oil diffuser on the market. Whether it’s for your home or your home office, these make great additions to your practice. Spring is a great time to add this product to your everyday routine. Our aromatherapy expert Nyssa Hanger provides easy oil recipes you can make and use with your clients. Your specific brand of diffuser and how much water it holds will indicate how many drops of oil to use. It’s well noted how beneficial oils are in a massage practice/session. Harpreet Gujral, DNP, FNP-BC of Johns Hopkins Medicine says, “A massage therapist might add a drop or two of wintergreen oil to help relax tight muscles...” By adding a diffuser, you can have the lobby/waiting area, room, or dressing rooms instantly refreshed with various scents.

Music Selection

Northwest Career College in Nevada advises asking your clients first what type of music they would like to hear during a session. Are you ready for a request? Or do you need to add some newer tunes to your collection? Most clients enjoy a white noise option where a calming “background song” is played. Try sprucing up your audio collection by visiting Their search feature is great and you can find a variety of different styles of music or white noise for your practice. 광주출장안마

Color Palette

This year’s Pantone color is a classic blue. But that doesn’t mean you have to use that color in your practice. When thinking of revamping or reorganizing your space, there are many color experts and designers available to help you achieve the right vibe for your practice. But some simple ideas still hold true. WebMD indicates the color green helps you “hold on to positive [memories] that may help you have a happier view of your life and healthier state of mind.” If it’s time for a fresh coat of paint in your clinic, consider using the color green for a room, waiting area, or even hallways.

Seasonal Décor

Angie Patrick, author of one of our archival articles “Planning for Seasonal Success All Year Long” describes the power of planning when it comes to decorating your space. “…You are missing the boat when not planning at least four or five months in advance” she explains. One holiday coming up this spring is Mother’s Day. And if you have a standalone practice, consider what flowers (fake or real) you want to display on the windows or end tables. Or how about getting rid of some older décor items like wall photos or candles. You may not want to constantly change everything out but having seasonally appropriate items scattered throughout the space will help you look and be more thoughtful.

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