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A Letter from the Editor

Dear Massage Today Readers,

            The mission of Massage Today is to bring timely and accurate information to massage therapists, in good times and in bad. 

            In doing so, this particular issue was created and printed prior to COVID-19 being elevated to pandemic status. Our editorial team is committed to not only reporting on the role you play in the health and well-being of your clients, but also the role you play in building and sustaining the profession you love alongside other dedicated massage professionals.

            We understand daily news and updates on the COVID-19 pandemic are fast-paced. In all that is changing around you, our job is to be a steady source of information impacting the massage therapy profession. In upcoming issues, our goal will be to provide you the information you need to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with COVID-19 and the resources available to you and the wider massage therapy profession as we meet this challenge head on—all with a focus on the strength of the massage therapy community. 

In the meantime, there are a variety of online resources available to you, including the American Massage Therapy Association’s regularly updated COVID-19 section of their website—

Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for updated health information by visiting

For economic impact and tax information specific to COVID-19, visit

You help make this community a robust and important part of everyday health and wellness. You play a major role in bridging the divide between health and science, heart and soul. 

            I look forward to sharing our reporting in the coming months and bringing the community closer together.  울산출장안마


Danielle Galian, editor 

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